Best Cake Ideas On How To Say Am Sorry

Relationships are hard, but that doesn't mean they are not worth it. As they say "it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all". I am going to go on record here and say, break up sucks ... Big time!!! - so is it worth the pain?

Every relationship is based on some kind of love- and if you think otherwise you need to dig a little deeper!

You might choose to be an island but sooner or later everyone gets attached.

We are all designed with love as a core component and without it, we might as well be dead! The people who are important to us are there because we love them. Love is not all sweet and cakes, it is hard and requires work - bother parties are required to cooperate - as they say, "it's a two-way street!"

How do you say sorry to someone who means the world to you - let's be honest - you won't be here reading this otherwise!

nillavee cakes
Best Cake Ideas On How To Say Am Sorry Cakes Price List
Price Range
1kg, 1.5kg, 2kg, 3kg, 4kg, 5kg,

Ksh 3000 - 10800


Ksh 10000 - 10000

nillavee cakes

Heart Chocolate Cake

Ksh 3,000 - 10,800

Heart-shaped chocolate cake

Making a mistake is not a crime because no one is perfect, But "repeating a mistake is not a mistake but a decision". When somebody is important to us we make an effort to make them happy. With cake-like "Heart-shaped Chocolate Cake" Literally shaped like a heart and it is made of chocolate - what girl with a sweet tooth will turn you away? Some flowers will go a long way to making it awesome!

Caramel Cake Birthday Package Gift

Every man in a relationship will tell you that it's literally a crime to forget your partner's birthday. To them, it means you don't care enough to remember their special day. So with a cake like Caramel Cake Birthday Package Gift is a perfect gift to say am sorry. The cake, the chocolate bar, the flowers, the card, the wine ... if that doesn't work you messed up big time.